Privacy Policy & Data Use

Privacy Policy

The data collected on this site in the event that you sign up for event announcements includes your email address, name/alias, and age. When you submit the notification form, your IP address may be automatically recorded by the forms processing software to block and prevent spammers. Optionally, you can also specify your body type, the types of people you’re interested in, and other related data to help match you with events that will have matching people. You can leave all of the information blank, except email address and alias, which we need in order to send you notification of events. Both the email address and name can be aliases. The phone number can be a Google Voice number or other “burner” number. There’s no need for them to be connected to any personally identifiable information.

When you RSVP for a specific event, we will also ask for a contact phone number that is used to coordinate arrivals, and possibly other logistical information (preferred time, if we are scheduling multiple parties, preferred activities, etc.). This information is deleted within a week or so of the party being over.

None of this information is shared with anyone else. This site uses no trackers, no profilers, etc.

You can be removed from the email list and database by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of an announcement email, or by using the contact form on this site to request removal by providing the email address that is on the list. There may be a slight delay between when you click Unsubscribe and when your data is deleted from the database, as the systems are administered by hand, to insure that no third party has access. When removed from the list, your data is deleted from the database entirely. If you wish to see a copy of the data we have, use the contact form to request it by giving your email address, and we’ll send a copy of the data we have to that email address.


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