We’re virtual for COVID

Since March 2020, we’ve suspended in-person meetings and have been meeting virtually on a Slack channel and Zoom room. I’m hoping that our so-called leaders get their act together and take the actions that will get infection rates low enough that...

We’re going strong!

We’ve now met somewhere over 40 times in 36 months! The mailing list is now over 500 guys. We continue to be mostly a JO club, and we also have occasional oral-allowed parties. Finding places to host remains our biggest challenge, but the group is now up and...

Current stats

Quick update: we have now had over 30 parties. We’re always looking for hosts. We have hundreds of guys on the invite list. It’s going well.

24th meetup!

We’re about to have our 24th meetup at a hotel this coming Sunday. Overall, we’ve had strong demand and are approaching 400 guys on the notification list. We prefer private homes, AirBNBs, and hotels roughly in that order. If anyone knows of a place we can...

We’re going strong

We’ve been able to keep up a pretty lively pace in 2017 so far. In January, we had our second hotel party. We had 48 RSVPs, and split into two groups, at two different times at 8:00 and 9:30p. My impression is that the 9:30pm group was a bit late, and earlier...