We’ve been able to keep up a pretty lively pace in 2017 so far. In January, we had our second hotel party. We had 48 RSVPs, and split into two groups, at two different times at 8:00 and 9:30p. My impression is that the 9:30pm group was a bit late, and earlier generally works better.
We also had a general house party, a party that was prospective hosts only, and then in February, two more house parties. The hope is that some of our prospective hosts will decide they want to graduate from “prospective hosts” to “active hosts.” Remember: if you host an event, you’re guaranteed a spot 🙂 Since we’ve been getting up to twice the number of RSVPs as we have space for, this is definitely worth keeping in mind.
RSVPs have been strong!
RSVPs to announced events have been very strong. If you’ve RSVPd for an event, you know that there are two kinds of RSVPs: RSVP YES and RSVP MAYBE. We expect the “YES”s to commit to showing up if they say YES. We base our go/no-go decision on the number of guys who have said YES, to make sure we get enough attendance to make a good group. Then we invite YESs and MAYBEs until we reach full capacity. We also give preference for guys who haven’t been to the group yet, to make sure everyone gets a chance to participate.
The more hosts we can find, the more we’ll be able to fill events. If we can just get 6 hosts, with 2x/month parties, each host could host 4 events over the course of the year and we’d have regular meetings for a year.
So please… step on up!